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美国留学申请文书是什么样的: 录取哥伦比亚大学与伦敦大学学院


N同学是一个文静,独立,有思想的女生,本科就读于美国中部某州立大学, 按她的话说,在比较“村儿”的地方,在不懈努力下,GPA有3.5左右。然而,她想攻读金融学研究生,还倾向于在一个大都市区域,世界性金融中心,有利于未来就业与发展,则必须在一个有丰富经验的留学咨询机构进行精心策划与定位,才能申请到理想的学校。

N同学希望是纽约,波士顿,芝加哥或者洛杉矶,西雅图。想要在读研的时候找实习工作,回国找工作的时候能带着更多的经验,如果在大农村找实习是很难的。对于学校排名,N同学希望美国的大学是看QS前100名,主要是想要回国工作,排名也是重要的。但是如果学校排名和地理位置不能兼得的话,N同学比较倾向去排名低一点而容易找到更多工作机会的学校。N同学硬件属于中等水准,GMAT 650,不是特别出色,所以文书与实习就相当重要。她认为学习和知识是很重要的,在学习方面不满足于只读完本科,想要更深入的在特定方向学习。认为自己还有很多不足,需要学习更多,有更多的专业知识,提高自己的竞争力,成为某个领域中的达人。读名校研究生的话,会得到和专业内的达人或者professor学习,交流的机会,可以得到他们对深刻问题的看法,提高自己的眼界和能力。




Last year, the Fed was confident about the US economy and the promising unemployment rate, so it was aggressive that they raised the interest rate to nearly 2.5 percent despite there were criticisms from professional economists and President Trump. However, this contributed to stronger dollar and slowing US economy. On July 31, the Fed cut the rate for the first time since 2017. There are so many determinants that rendered the Fed to cut the rate. For example, the slowing US and sluggish worldwide economic growth are apparent. Also, the Trade Skirmish between US and China has prompted so much uncertainty to the market. The US government has raised the tariff on Chinese exported products, which also added the burden to US consumers, and this trade war may last longer than expected. Furthermore, the inversion of 10-year Treasury note and 2-year T-note also scared the market that there may be a recession in 2020. These all contribute to the higher market volatility in Wall Street.

The university is implementing a study abroad program focusing on finance, international business, and entrepreneurship. Our group needed to choose the best location for this program and evaluation that place in different perspectives. That project started at the second half of the semester. We first gathered ideas roughly through project meetings. We shared and contributed ideas to each other despite we assigned different parts to compose our own portion. I was in charge of managing the team meeting time and location, reserving for the writing center, and communicate with the instructor. However, our team did not possess an “official team leader” at that time. We believe each of us can act as a servant leader in circumstances we needed. Our team needed to compose reports to professor, and prepare challenging presentation for the entire class.

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