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鲲明律师 | 律师函 Demanding Letter


Demanding Letter

致:A 公司

To: A company

XXX律师事务所受B 公司(下称B)的委托,指派本律师就贵司与B 公司之间相关事宜,致函贵司。

Our firm acts for B company (hereinafter referred to as "B”).

2011年12月31日,B 公司发《协议函》给贵司,约定了工缴费/租金等相关事项,贵司在“我司特此确认并接受本协议函中的条款及条件”下方签字并盖章,“B 公司”项下有法定代表人签字。

We are instructed that on 31st December 2011, B sent you a Letter of Agreement, which stipulated the terms and condition of rent and other related matters in the agreement. Your company agreed with the above agreement by signing the agreement under the paragraph of "Our company hereby confirms and accepts the terms and conditions in this Letter of Agreement", and the legal representative of B also signed under the company name of "B company".


Article no. 4 of the Letter of Agreement stipulates that from 1st March 2013 to 28th February 2025, the monthly rent shall be 1.05 million RMB , that is ,15RMB *70337 square meters; From 1st March 2025 to the appropriate period, subject to the written consent of both parties, the adjustment shall be made in accordance with the fair market price, but the increase shall not be higher than 10%.


Both parties executed a binding agreement regarding to the rent of the factory, therefore, both parties must perform the rent in accordance with the agreement. However, your company is trying to unilaterally increase the rent of the factory, apparently there is no contractual or legal basis. We strongly request your company to continue to execute the rent according to the above agreement in accordance with the spirit of the contract.

在此,本律师代表B 公司郑重函告贵司:

We hereby solemnly inform you on behalf of B that:

关于B 公司租金调整事宜,基于公平原则和法律规定,B 公司很遗憾的不得不将此事交给我们处理。B 公司与贵司已经签订有法律约束力的协议,尽管协议中约定的租金并不代表该厂房的最新市场租金水平,但这并不代表我们可以推翻此前双方书面同意的租金金额。

In the matter pertaining to the ongoing discussion on change of rental fees for the premises occupied by Shenzhen B Domestic Appliances, B regrets that it has to forward the matter to us since fairness and legal position align here. You and B do have a binding agreements in place as well as the buildings do not represent the state of the art that would justify having any discussion different to what has been agreed on in writing.


A formal definition of our position will be provided shortly but in the meantime we do expect full adherence of all parties to the binding agreements in place.


Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience caused by the late reply.


Best regards!




XXX Law Firm(stamp)


20th March 2020


Confirmation Letter

本单位确认上述律师函内容符合真实情况,符合本单位要求;本单位确认委托XXX事务所按上述内容向A 公司出具律师函,该律师函产生的一切后果由本单位承担。

We confirm that the above Demanding Letter is according to the real situation and we entrust XXX Law Firm to issue this Demanding Letter to A company according to the above contents, and all consequences arising from the Demanding Letter shall be borne by us.


Confirmed by (stamp):


20th March 2020

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