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大家伙醒醒吧!都2021了,题主给大家讲一个真实发生在自己身上的案例, 首先呢,这个刷单分为三个步骤:

一 、拉人头。

至于他们怎么拉人头的,楼主当时就是在网上的交友软件无意中看到一个女孩子发布的动态说是可以带赚钱,当时就觉得她是个女孩子就没什么防备之心,然后当时又正好缺钱,然后我们就加上微信了,了解之后发现说是给阿里巴巴 、去哪儿旅行、途牛、艺龙……刷旅游单然后从中拿提成的,100块的单子差不多可以拿个0.5,反正就是你账号金额越多你能抢到的单子就越大,拿的佣金自然而然也就越多,刚开始她给我讲了这些我还抱着半信半疑的心理,后面她直接说可以给我申请体验一下,我当时也体验了下载一个app,她把账号发给我进去一看里面有差不多1w的钱,我就按她给我说的操作进行刷单了,发现抢一单1000多的可以拿6到7块,好家伙最少每天可以刷39单,大家动动小脑筋~一天躺着就收入200+,一个月也就是6000+,身为学生党的我刚开始肯定是不相信的,我当时就在想如果真的那么好赚 为什么别人还累死累活的去工厂上班一个月拿那4000+,在家玩这个他不香嘛,所以接下来就是这个平台的诱惑之处了!





Wake up, guys! All 2021, the title to tell you a real happened in their own case, first of all, this brush is divided into three steps: one, pull the head. As to how they pull head, the building was inadvertently see online dating software dynamic released a girl that can take money, then I feel she is a girl is no guard against heart, and then it was short of money, and then we add WeChat, found that after understanding to alibaba, where to travel, way cattle, elong... Single brush tourism and then to the commission, 100 pieces of 0.5, you can almost get a list of anyway, is your account amount, the more you can get the list of commission the more naturally, in the beginning, she told me that I still held the psychology of a grain of salt, she said can give me to apply for direct experience behind, I had also experience the download an app, She sent me the account number to look inside there is about 1W of money, I will brush according to the operation she said to me, found that grab a single more than 1000 can take 6 to 7, good guy at least every day can brush 39, we use small brains ~ a day to lie on the income of 200+, a month is 6000+, As a student, I certainly did not believe it at the beginning. I was thinking that if it was so easy to earn, why did others still work to death to work in a factory for 4000+ a month? He did not enjoy playing this at home. Second, retain customers. It was said that she gave me an experience number, but here comes the point! The experience is the experience, after the experience can also take money, I was meng bi, because I never believe this kind of heavenly pie, but! Back they really gave me 30 dollars, saying hard to help them point brush sheet and experience fee, to here I still did not go on the road, thinking of moving finger to take 30 pieces to eat a pork ribs rice can also ~ good! From here and then in the past few days, after fighting with his heart to do, or in the boat, but this is the gateway to the deep, this time to your account registration, registration is normal after a prepaid phone and then operate on commission, it is the commission together with the principal to return, it is also their clever, visible income is difficult to refuse, At first I actually is very conservative, try thinking about first top-up hundreds of pieces of water, were pit pit also several hundred yuan so can also accept, but let greed is infinite, several hundred yuan and dozens of pieces, I eventually chose several hundred yuan, also means I fill 4000 dollars, so a day brush list every day to take profits, that time really thinking about today is the past, Then go up good app inside waiting to refresh the list to start the second day of brush, lasted more than half a month, like this was made more than 1000 yuan, the in the mind also very happy because he thought at that time, thinking about the repayment that takes care of this month, alas, is really nothing is three halls, the to will come, do you remember that day is on the way back to school by bus with my friend, I recommended this software to him, never thought that he had done a part-time job in a type of software before, the platform road, he himself was cheated hundreds of dollars, he said so, I was good back cold, just that day the platform was engaged in welfare, said the old agent for a new, Let us prepaid phone has more brush prizes can also open the single channel anyway is a special profits estimate a day can earn thousands of dollars, I was aware of this platform is likely to run, my friend has also been advised me, let me bring up the principal, made the first put inside, if it's ok with those who make brush sheet to ensure that you are not losing to first, I immediately withdrew, and then found that the withdrawal for a long time not to account (before is to withdraw after a period of time will be the account), I was waiting, waiting... Until the next day that what countries to collect taxes, withdrawal must pay fifteen percent tax, which is to pay 600 dollars, to be successful withdrawal, or $4000 will be turned over to the state, I was definitely not the letter, then slowly also know this is a kite outlaws app, after being cheated when the entire people are stupid, Has been in the fantasy if not greedy, if not on this boat at that time, all kinds of if... Think also funny, not greedy not greedy there are not so many cheaters! Liar is based on the victim's heart so as to cheat money, above is my personal experience, I also slowly up, dare to share it with you until today, the lesson for me to have a certain warning role, think meet interests deal I will think twice before you do, can consult relevant cases, is more expensive tuition, I sincerely hope that you friends with me as the interface, less pay a little bit of this IQ tax ha ~ three, the main building online pit 4000, from now on the heart no longer love......

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