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梅西转签“大巴黎”?CVC 收购西甲?一起看看西甲到底咋回事。以下纯干货,预计阅读时长8分钟。

Trophy assets: La Liga kicks off in Spain


Part Ⅰ


This Friday La Liga willkick offwithout its most famous face: Lionel Messi.



This Friday La Liga will kick off.


⊙ 重点词汇

trophy assets

n. 奖杯资产。这个翻译不是很好理解,简单讲就是可以拿来炫耀的资产。比如有些人会将 beautiful girl friend 当作 trophy assets。



"Rather than buyingtrophy assetswith limited upside potential, this is completely different since it's a cash-flow play," Feder said in an interview with FORBES.


★ kick off

v. 开赛。常用表达:kick-off meeting,指的是“项目启动会”。

It will beSpanish domestic football’stop division’s first season without him since 2004.

这将是西班牙国内顶级联赛自 2004 年来第一次没有梅西的赛季。

⊙ 句子主干

It will be the first season without him.


⊙ 重点词汇

★ top division

n. 顶级。division 这个词指体育运动的级别。

The former captain of Barcelona, the world’s best footballer,wasforced outof the teambybad financial managementat the club and moved to Paris St Germain.


⊙ 句子主干

The former captain of Barcelona was forced out of the team.


⊙ 重点词汇

★ force out

v. 退出(当前岗位),一般指离职,调职


In spite of his success in repositioning the brand, the CEO wasforced outafter five years.

尽管 CEO 在品牌转型上取得了成功,5 年之后他还是被迫离职了。

★ bad financial management

n. 财务管理不善。此处的 bad 用的很好。

Part Ⅱ


Other clubs arescrambling forcash too, thanks to months ofempty stadiumsand a weaktransfer market.


⊙ 句子主干

Other clubs are scrambling for cash too.


⊙ 重点词汇

★ scramble for

v. 争夺


There was an undignifiedscramble forthe best seats.


★ empty stadium

n. 空场。空场比赛对主办方来说就是亏钱的买卖。


★ transfer market

n. 转会市场。简单理解就是球员的兼职市场


It is little surprise thatLa Liga isentertaining a€2.7bn ($3.2bn)offerby aprivate-equity firm, CVC, for a 10% stake of a new business that would manage rights income for the league.

西甲正在考虑接受私募股权公司 CVC 以 27 亿欧元(合 32 亿美元)的价格收购一项新业务 10% 的股份,该业务将管理联赛的转播权收入,也就不足为奇。

⊙ 句子主干

It is little surprise that ...


⊙ 重点词汇

★ entertain an offer

v. 考虑接受报盘(报盘就是指报价)

★ private-equity firm


The offer hasbeen greeted warmly bymanycash-strappedclubs, but not Real Madrid and Barcelona, the two richest.


⊙ 句子主干

The offer has been greeted warmly by ..., but not ....


⊙ 重点词汇

★ be greeted warmly by

v. 受到热烈欢迎。这个 warmly 用词很好。

★ cash-strapped

adj. 财务困难的。合成词,cash+strapped。

They believe itundervaluestheir future earning potential.

这两家土豪认为 CVC 低估了他们未来的收入潜力。

⊙ 句子主干

They believe it ...


⊙ 重点词汇

★ undervalue

v. 低估。合成词,under+value。

underestimate 也是低估,但是和 undervalue 的意思区别很大。此“低估”非彼“低估”。

一般来说,卖家会觉得自己的商品被 undervalue(客户给的报价比实际价值低了,内心 OS 是觉得自己亏了),而买家通常会 underestimate 商品(商品标价虚高,内心 OS 是觉得自己亏了)。


CVC has failed tostrikesimilardealsin Germany and Italy.

CVC 未能在德国和意大利达成类似的交易。

⊙ 句子主干

CVC has failed to strike similar deals.

CVC 未能达成类似的交易。

⊙ 重点词汇

★ strike deals

v. 达成交易。相当于 make deals。

Butit may wellprevailin Spainthanks to La Liga’s sudden vulnerability.

但由于西甲的突然脆弱,CVC 这种做法很可能在西班牙盛行。

⊙ 句子主干

It may well prevail in Spain.

CVC 这种做法很可能在西班牙盛行。

⊙ 重点词汇

★ prevail

v. 盛行。形容词是 prevailing,盛行的,普遍的,相当于 popular。


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