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23年英国爱尔兰院校10月申请DDL汇总, 最快本月末就截止啦










The University of Sheffield

特殊注意事项:Date of Equal Consideration


Politics and International Relations (TBC)

MSc International Political Economy

(注:该专业并非 Economics 课程):31/10/2022

MA International Relations: 31/10/2022

MA Politics, Governance and Public Policy: 14/04/2023

Information School: MSc Information Systems:14/01/2023



MSc Management (International Business)

MSc International Management

MSc Creative and Cultural Industries Management

MSc International Management and Marketing

MSc Logistics and Supply Chain Management

MSc Marketing Management Practice

MSc Finance and Accounting

MSc Accounting, Governance and Financial Management

MSc Human Resource Management

MSc Management

MSc Information Systems Management

MSc Human Resource Management with CIPD Pathway


MSc Advanced Computer Science

MSc Computer Science with Speech and Language Processing

MSc Data Analytics

MSc Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence


MA Global Journalism

除上述学院的课程外,MSc Data Science,MA Digital Media and Society 也是分轮次递交申请,具体轮次情况如下:

建筑学院 School of Architecture

MA Architectural Design

MSc Sustainable Architecture Studies

MA Urban Design

对于 3 月 31 号之后递交的申请,如果学校还有位置的话,会继续考虑~

Department of Landscape Architecture

MA Landscape Architecture

MA Landscape Studies

对于 2 月 16 号之后递交的申请,如果学校还有位置的话,会继续考虑~



University of Birmingham

Group X: Accounting & Finance MSc,Business Analytics MSc, Financial Management MSc,Investments MSc,Supply Chain Management MSc,Sustainable Innovation & Entrepreneurship MSc.

Group Y:Human Resource Management MSc,International Business MSc,Management MSc,Marketing MSc,Strategic Marketing & Consulting MSc.

*Stage 4 is an open stage. This means that if programmes are still open applications will be considered on a first-come first-served basis. Please note programmes may close to applications at any point through the year. Applications received after 1 July 2023 will only be considered if applicants do not require a visa to study in the UK. 31 August 2023 is the deadline for applicants who do not require a visa.


Master of Public Administration (MPA)

MPA (Finance)

MPA (Human Resources)

MSc International Relations

MA International Political Economy

MSc Public Management

* Stage 4 is an open stage. This means that if programmes are still open applications will be considered on a first-come first-served basis. Please note programmes may close to applications at any point through the year. Applications received after 1 July 2023 will only be considered if the admissions process is still open for this programme, and applicants do not require a visa to study in the UK.



The University of Nottingham

诺丁汉大学商学院第二轮申请将于本月开启~ ️

1. MSc Accounting and Finance 和 MSc Finance and Investment 分轮安排

第一轮:9 月 1 日-9 月 30 日

第二轮:10 月 17 日-11 月 30 日

第三轮:2 月 6 日-4 月 5 日 ️

2. MBA 分轮安排

第一轮:7 月 22 日-9 月 26 日

第二轮:10 月 24 日- 11 月 30 日

第三轮:1 月 16 日-3 月 6 日 ️

3. MSc Business Analytics 分轮安排

第一轮:7 月 22 日-9 月 26 日

第二轮:10 月 24 日- 11 月 30 日

第三轮:2 月 6 日-3 月 6 日

其他专业不分轮次(7 月 22 日开放申请)

MSc Business and Management

MSc Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

MSc Information Systems and Operations Management

MSc Logistics and Supply Chain Management

MSc Marketing

MSc Supply Chain and Operations Management Executive

MBA Healthcare MBA

MSc Human Resource Management and Organisation

MSc Management

MSc Risk Management

MSc Banking and Finance

MSc International Business

MSc International Tourism Management and Marketing

MSc Financial Technology

MSc Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Management


University College Dublin

都柏林大学于 2022 年 10 月 1 日(爱尔兰时间)开放 2023/2024 学年的申请系统(个别专业开放时间有可能推迟,请以系统为准),都柏林大学将采用更集中,更紧凑的分轮次的录取方式,以加强申请的处理速度以及方便合作伙伴对申请的管理与转化。




1. 每名申请者限制最多提交两个申请(无论是相同学部的两个申请或跨学部的申请)

2. 商学部硕士专业只审理一个申请,如提交两个申请,请务必在系统中进行排序

每个申请人均需缴纳 50 欧元申请费(包含两个专业)

3. 请仔细核查录取通知书上接受录取和缴纳押金和学费的截止日, 逾期未接受的录取视为自动作废, 不予恢复!!!

4. 接受录取的同时须缴纳 500 欧元押金(押金不可退)才视为完整的接受录取,逾期未缴纳押金的录取视 为自动作废,不予恢复!!!

5. 按录取通知书上规定时间学生须缴纳 1/3 的主课学费,以锁定录取的名额,否则将视为自动放弃,录取作废。

6. 如无法使用 SISWeb 缴纳押金和学费,可使用 TransferMate 或银行电汇进行缴纳,请将付款证明上传至申请系统。

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