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Task 1

Your university currently requires all students to take one humanities course in a subject such as literature or philosophy in order to graduate. However, some students majoring in subjects such as math and science think that these humanities courses are not relevant to their field of study, and they should therefore not be required to take them. Do you agree with these students? Explain why or why not.

Task 2


Task 3

【S1】T3是vegetative prorogation 用草莓举例

【S2】口语第三好像是讲了一个vegetative growth 相关的 意思说植物有时候是由它的parent的一部分生长发育而来的 举例农夫选育草莓的例子

Task 4

T4是cooperative learning 两种方法解决缺点

1 有学生不习惯合作不说话+老师帮忙制定guideline

2 倾向独自完成任务+安排特定作业例如每个人分配读文章的不同部分



Recently some primary,middle, and high schools (students aged 6-18) have reduced the number of attendance days from five to four days a week. However, students spend 90 more minutes in school each day.In your view, is it beneficial or harmful to reduce the number ofschool days per week while extending the number of hours attended per day?



然后那个beetle对pine tree不好但是树可以保护自己

演讲反对说因为人类活动(气候变暖+水资源短缺+防止natural fire)就不能保护自己了


1 对话关于学生 job interview,但以这个引出后面的讨论

2 讲座文学,关于莎士比亚,关于他的 theater;就是女生想写research paper 关于莎士比亚的 然后突然引出关于他的theater(具体原因我没听到[捂脸])这个theater然后被重建了好几遍 然后有一个美国人在纽约重建了类似theater 但教授认为这无法完全还原这个theater 然后教授告诉女生 要了解莎士比亚就应该参考另一个人 具体名字不记得了 这个人的日记里有写道关于莎士比亚的东西 所以这个人不是跟莎士比亚一个时期的 但是他跟莎士比亚是在相近的时期 并且也演了莎士比亚的戏剧

3 讲座天文学,关于极光Aurora

4 讲座天文学,关于 uranus

5 讲座考古学,关于 pottery

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