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1、 '' 别抱怨自己在14亿人里边找不到那个对的人,选择题4个选项你都找不到对的。 ''

'' Don't complain that you can't find the right person among 1.4 billion people. You can't find any of the four options in multiple choice questions.''

2、 '' 曾经是梦想家,现在没了梦,只剩下想家。''

'' Used to be a dreamer, now there is no dream, only homesickness.''

3、'' 能用钱解决的都不是问题,但如何有钱,才是你最大的问题。''

'' What can be solved with money is not a problem, but how to have money is your biggest problem.''

4、 '' 人生不如意的事十有八九,剩下的一二更加不如意!''

'' Nine times out of ten there are unsatisfactory things in life, and the remaining one or two are even more unsatisfactory! ''

5、 '' 比你优秀的人还在努力,你努力有什么用呢?''

'' People who are better than you are still working hard. What's the use of your efforts? ''

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