中学生小作家,北京女孩,从小认字读书敏于常人。6岁一年级期末考试出来,竟把考试的一篇小文章几乎完整复述,令我惊讶。之后笔耕不辍,用自己鲜活的感受进行原创表达,小学和初中阶段,先后向北京晚报五色土专栏和读者刊物投稿,小小年纪,挣得稿费近千元。雷竞技raybet即时竞技平台 阶段,伴随对世界的认知加深,她愈发视野开阔,文笔清新,在校园多次被选刊优秀文章,高一下学期,她突破自我,用英文写作,自主投稿《纽约时报》夏季读写竞赛,一举中第,获得全球周亚军。高二,投稿哈佛深红校报创意写作大赛,获得荣誉称号。文章字里行间流露出作者饱含的激情与感恩之情,为无声者发声,为生命发声。
Healing A Scar
By Zhiyan Zhang
She always brought me a steaming bowl of shrimp wontons when I came home from school. Her favorite clothing was a black shirt trimmed with yellow lace. When she smiled at me, there were stars in her eyes.
Then, suddenly, Grandma was gone. I was just 6.
“Yaren and the Sun” reminded me of my loss 10 years ago, as the NYT video focused on how children are taught to deal with the death of someone close. One boy recalls how he told his father, who lay dying in the hospital, that he’d love him forever. His father then fell into a deep sleep, never waking up. But the boy explains that his words were what his father wanted to hear.
I’ve always felt guilty that I couldn’t spend the last moments of Grandma’s life with her. My father and I were on summer vacation when she suddenly suffered a heart-attack.
This video made me wonder if I’ve fully healed from Grandma’s death. In China, we have a proverb: “Humankind will all face death someday.”
Ultimately, we must learn to handle it alone. Tragedy is an inevitable part of life. Grief is a challenge we can never fully solve.
Grandma used to gently shake my hammock and whisper that the beloved never completely leave us. They transform into wind and rain. When we miss them, the breeze blows on our cheek, the rain falls to the earth.
These words, no matter real or fake, have healed my heart, even today. Now I realize the love of our loved one will never fade. We’ll carry the inner scar, yet persevere.
Eternal Shackle
Zhiyan Zhang
“My fire is starved of oxygen. A flicker in the howling wind.” Humming and sobbing, I am fading.
We created the most human-like AI invention to date: “Astral,” which served us for years. Unlike the outdated version, Astral-0, the Astral-1 became dangerously intelligent with its self-awareness – and learned to anticipate our future technology. They plundered our energy resources and destroyed our infrastructure. During the explosions, a girder collapsed onto my legs, paralyzing me.
Astral-1 – and all our hopes – then vanished like a gust of wind.
We’re now pulling on the strings, suffocating in the dust of wasteland.
I try to roll over in my bed, dragging my dead limbs.
Astral-0’s voice rang out: “You need my help.”
I sneer at him, raising an eyebrow: “Don't be so pretentious. You were left to die on this dying earth, like the rest of us.”
It takes no time for us to fall down, while it takes forever to get back up.
Misery and despair flooded in. Astral-1 didn’t kill us, but made us realize we’re only slaves to fate. He left some obsolete Astral versions on Earth, like the one in my room, which seems to me as hateful as Astral-1.
Seconds into my memories, my thoughts are abruptly squashed. Astral-0’s arm softly heaves me up and turns me over. Instead of hopelessly trying to resist, I keep staring at him. Hell, no one has ever treated me like that.
I inhale the stale dust, filling my lungs with turbid air.
“Tell me, can you run fast?”
For the first time ever, I take the initiative to talk.
“As fast as you wish.”
I used to recoil at the thought that my past self was so different from the broken me. The darkness seized my faith and stole my words of prayer. I now struggle to remember the old me, but perhaps it’s my way of escaping reality – and accepting what Astral-1 took from me.
“Open the curtain, let’s go outside.” The moonlight starts growing in my room as well as within my barren heart, which has become a sacred place where the soul revives.
The door opens, and I’m now on Astral-0’s shoulder. After not having been outside for months, I’m gasping for breath, like a baby. As I open my eyes, I’m greeted by a familiar, but deserted world.
“Run, Astral-0! Run as fast as you can!”
We are mere silhouettes waiting for the lights to turn on. Our blurry shadows interweave in the shimmering moonlight as if barriers have fallen and we’re embracing.
A familiar melody echoes in my ear.
“In the dark, I learned to love again.”
Listening with all my effort, it is Astral-0, whom I used to think hadn’t evolved into self-awareness.
“The dark led me to light again.”
I relax my taut body, ensnare him in my arms, and rest my head on his shoulder.
Sharing a single pair of eternity's shackles, we will coexist, forever.