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口语交际 | “煎鸡蛋”“煮鸡蛋” 用英语该怎么说呢?

我们又见面啦!今天老师在cook breakfast的时候忽然想到了一个有趣的命题:“究竟是鸡生蛋还是蛋生鸡呢?”哈哈,你们有没有想过,你每天早餐吃的那颗蛋它都有怎样的经历呢?我们今天就来细细说说。我就先假设是先有鸡的吧。先来看一个关系图。

1. hen母鸡


(1). The chickens gathered under the hen. 小鸡们聚集在母鸡身体下面。

(2). My hens laid five eggs last night. 我的鸡昨天夜里下了五颗蛋。

(3). A hen can lay one or two eggs one day. 一只母鸡一天可以下一到两颗蛋。

2. rooster/ cock 公鸡

Some people keep a rooster as a pet. 有人把公鸡当宠物养。

3. chick/ chicken 小鸡

(1). These chicks are newly hatched by the hen. 这些小鸡刚被母鸡孵化出来。

(2). chicken有多种意思:1. 小鸡 2. 鸡肉 3. 鸡(统称)

4. egg 鸡蛋

(1)蛋清 egg white

(2)蛋黄 yolk (egg yellow)

(3)煮鸡蛋 boiled(形容词) eggs / boil(动词) an egg

(4)炒鸡蛋 scrambled(形容词) eggs / scramble(动词) an egg

(5)煎鸡蛋 fried(形容词) eggs / fry(动词) an egg

(6) 蒸鸡蛋 steamed(形容词) eggs/ steam(动词) an egg


(1). My mother always boils an egg for me for breakfast.


(2). When my son is ten months old, he began to eat steamed eggs.


(3). I like scrambled eggs with tomatoes very much.


(4). Many children don’t like egg yolk because it’s too hard to swallow.


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