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1. If you don't drive good good, your mother and father cry cry.(如果你开车不好好开,你的爸爸妈妈就要哭哭了。)

2. You see see you, one day day, just know eat eat eat!(你看看你一天天,只知道吃吃吃!)

3. Good good study, day day up!(好好学习,天天向上!)

4. How are you? 【怎么是你?】 How old are you? 【怎么老是你?】

5. You can you up.(你行你上。)

6. Let the horse come on.(放马过来。)

7. 1 first Go, you垫后.

8. Who 怕 who, You think you are who.(谁怕谁,你认为你是谁啊。)

9. You滴答滴答me, I哗啦哗啦you.

10. People mountain people sea.(人山人海。)

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